Exercise Rehabilitation Programs
For the past 25 years, physical rehabilitation programs are being implemented in the Sports Medicine Lab in patients with chronic heart disease and end stage chronic kidney disease under hemodialysis at the AHEPA Hospital’s renal unit. The staff of the Laboratory has conducted a large number of studies regarding the effect of long-term innovative therapeutic exercise programs and the assessment of anatomical and functional adaptations of exercise in patients. The Sports Medicine Laboratory is a modern Laboratory (ISO 2008), with state-of-the-art equipment for the non-invasive evaluation of the cardiorespiratory system. More than 200 patients are trained free of charge each year as part of a program contract with the Municipalities of Thessaloniki and Evosmos in Municipal Gyms and at AHEPA Hospital.
Exercise programs are conducted by qualified physical education instructors, under the supervision of members of the Laboratory and in scientific collaboration with Clinics and Laboratories of the Medical School. Recurrent rehabilitation programs were applied to children with neoplasia and cystic fibrosis, patients with diabetes mellitus, wheelchair and psychiatric patients. The prescription of the exercise is based on the medical status of the patient, the functional competence and the goals of the patient. After initial training in the lab, all patients are exercised in subgroups at municipal gyms. Each subgroup consists of 10 patients, and each exercise session includes various aerobic and static exercises, dance, pilates, zouba, step-aerobic and hydro-gymnastics. For safety there are telecardiology applications, such as inter-telephone transmission of electrocardiogram from gyms to the Sports Medicine Lab. There has never been any complication from the implementation of the programs.
Those who are Interested and wish to participate in therapeutic exercise programs can contact the following telephone numbers:
- 2310-992184
- 2310-992493
- 2310-992189